I put together a simple Perl script which uses the 1-minute-resolution historical data from the TED-5000 to build a simple graph using Chart::Clicker, like this:
#! /usr/bin/perl
# Ted-5000 Chart script - Copyright 2013 by Kevin Kadow
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
# GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
# or (at your option) any later version. Use this at your own risk, no warranty is expressed nor implied. YMMV
use Time::Local;
use LWP::Simple;
use Chart::Clicker;
use Chart::Clicker::Data::Series;
use Chart::Clicker::Data::DataSet;
use Chart::Clicker::Renderer::Area;
use Chart::Clicker::Axis::DateTime;
use List::Util qw(min max);
# Variables you need to edit
my($ip,$mtuid)=("TED5000","0"); # Replace TED5000 with IP address or hostname of your TED
my $chart_png="/var/www/htdocs/plotwatt/recent.png";
my $time_zone="America/New_York";
# Variables seldom edited
my $modulus=2;
my $records=180;
my $volts_minumum=110;
# Based on the TED API
my $url="http://$ip/history/minutehistory.xml?MTU=$mtuid&COUNT=$records&INDEX=1";
my $content = get $url;
die "Couldn't get TED 5000 history from $url" unless defined $content;
# Parse the history, turn it into a list of $meter,KW,timestamp,...
foreach $line (split(/[\n\r]+/,$content)) {
chomp $line;
if($line=~m!(\d+) (.+) (\d+) \d+ (\d+) !) {
$count{'parsed records'}++;
$mtu=$1; $date=$2;$power=$3; $volts=$4;
$lastdate=$date unless($lastdate);
unless($date=~m!(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+) (\d+):(\d+):(\d+)!) {
warn "Bad date '$date'\n";
# Convert date string like '10/22/2013 20:07:23' to UTC EPOCH
$timestamp= timelocal($6,$5,$4,$2,$1-1,$3);
if(abs($timestamp - time)> 186400 ) {
$count{'bad timestamp'}++;
warn "Bad timestamp $timestamp is not close to current";
# Store the raw data in associative arrays
# And arrays for charts
next if ($line=~m!! || !length($line));
last if ($line=~m! !);
warn "\nBad line '$line'\n\n";
$count{'could not parse'}++;
# Print a bunch of handy stats, if debugging is on.
if($debug) {
warn "Sending $postdata\n" if($debug >1);
warn "Results of parsing TED data:\n";
foreach $key (sort keys %count) {
warn "\t$key\t$count{$key}\n";
# Build the chart
my $points = scalar @watts;
print "Will chart $points from Watts @watts\n" if($debug);
if($points < 2) {
warn "Trying to chart $points datapoints\n";
# Build a chart object
my $chart = Chart::Clicker->new;
my $dstamper=Chart::Clicker::Axis::DateTime->new(position => 'bottom', orientation => 'horizontal', time_zone => $time_zone);
my $context = $chart->get_context('default');
$context->domain_axis->ticks( 6 );
my $watts_line = Chart::Clicker::Data::Series->new({
keys => \@timestamps,
values => \@watts,
name => 'Kilowatts',
my $wcontext= Chart::Clicker::Context->new( name => 'Watts' );
my $wdataset = Chart::Clicker::Data::DataSet->new( series => [ $watts_line]);
#$wcontext->domain_axis->ticks( $points );
$chart->add_to_datasets( $wdataset );
my $volts_line = Chart::Clicker::Data::Series->new({
keys => \@timestamps,
values => \@volts,
name => 'Volts',
my $vcontext= Chart::Clicker::Context->new( name => 'Volts' );
my $vdataset = Chart::Clicker::Data::DataSet->new( series => [ $volts_line]);
#$vcontext->domain_axis->ticks( 6 );
$chart->add_to_datasets( $vdataset );
$lastdate=~s/:00$//; $firstdate=~s/:00$//;
$chart->title->text("TED $firstdate through $lastdate");
my $renderer = Chart::Clicker::Renderer::Area->new( opacity => .75, );
$chart->write_output( $chart_png );